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Admission Status


For matriculation, students must fulfill all the requirements for admission.

Matriculated with conditions

Students whose undergraduate training is inadequate, but who are otherwise qualified, may be admitted with not more than 6 credits of course conditions to either the School of Arts and Sciences or to the Schools of the Health Professions, and with not more than 12 credits of course conditions to the School of Education. Such students are expected to satisfy their conditions by eliminating all deficiencies within one year of matriculation if admitted to a program in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Schools of the Health Professions, and within three semesters in the School of Education.

Note: Applicants admitted to matriculated status who wish to delay their admission to the following semester must reapply by filing a new application prior to the next semester’s deadline.


A formal application must be filed in the Office of Admissions, Room 203 HN, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065, approximately two months before registration. The undergraduate degree must be equivalent to at least a U.S. bachelor’s degree. If the application and supporting material are acceptable, registration material will be sent with further instructions. Applicants should present a student copy of their undergraduate transcripts as well as a copy of the undergraduate catalog(s) to the departmental adviser in order to obtain course approval. The nonmatriculation application fee of $75.00 will be charged when the student registers. Acceptance to nonmatriculated status does not imply approval to take a specific course. This approval rests solely with the graduate program adviser involved. Students should consult the graduate program adviser in the appropriate department for specific information. To be considered for possible matriculation, a nonmatriculated student must have earned grades of B or better for the course credits taken. For most programs in education, 9 credits must be presented with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. This requirement is in addition to the college and program admission requirements for matriculation. A separate application for matriculated status must be completed and can be filed while the nonmatriculated courses are in progress. The application for matriculated status must be filed by the appropriate deadline for the individual program desired. Consult the Application for Graduate Degree Programs for specific dates. A nonmatriculated student may be limited to 12 credits (check with departmental adviser). A minimum grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained.Registration as a nonmatriculant does not entitle an international student to an I-20 AB (Certificate of Eligibility).

Approval of Credit from Nonmatriculant to Matriculant Status

Approval will automatically be granted for courses taken in support of the degree if the grades received are B or higher. Approval is not automatic for courses in which the grade received is less than B, nor for courses not required for the degree. To have such a course considered for approval, the student must submit a credit approval form, which may be obtained in the Office of Graduate Admissions. Note: Grades in courses taken as a nonmatriculant at Hunter will be calculated into the student’s grade point average (GPA) whether approved toward the degree or not.