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Academic Policies and Procedures

Admission Conditions

The School of Education Office of Admissions and Recruitment reviews all coursework documented on transcripts during the admissions process to determine if an applicant has met all requirements for entrance to a graduate program. Graduate students may be admitted with conditions due to missing prerequisite coursework (up to 12 undergraduate credits missing), exams, or pending NYS Certification. Admission conditions are listed on the physical letter of acceptance to Hunter College. For more information on admission conditions, please review the School of Education's Admission Conditions page at

Changing Programs

Matriculated students in a graduate degree program in the School of Education must formally apply through the Office of Admissions if they wish to change programs. Students wishing to change from one track (subplan) in their program to another must complete a change of plan form, available on the School of Education’s Register for Classes page at

Degree Requirements & Graduation

Master’s program requirements vary according to students’ qualifications and the requirements of specific programs. Students must achieve a GPA of at least 3.0 in graduate courses.

Candidates should consult their program coordinator or adviser about their program’s exit requirements at least one year in advance of the expected date of graduation.

Graduation is the official completion of your program and conferral of an academic degree. In order to graduate, students in all programs including advanced certificates, must apply for graduation using CUNYFirst the semester before their planned graduation and complete any outstanding requirements by the stated deadlines. For more information on the graduation process, please visit the School of Education's Graduation and Commencement page at

Time Considerations

Leave of Absence

Candidates for a master’s degree in the School of Education must complete the program within a maximum of five years from the date of matriculation. Students may be granted a leave of absence by permission of their advisor and with the approval of the Dean's Office for serious illness, parental, or military leave. In such cases, the time limit is extended by the duration of the leave, not to exceed one year. The Leave of Absence form can be accessed on the School of Education's Appeals page at

Graduate Time Extension

Students exceeding the time limit may be required to repeat courses that have expired and take more than the number of credits normally required for the degree. Course credits more than five years old when the degree is to be awarded are not applicable to the degree unless a time extension is granted. The Graduate Time Extension form can be downloaded on the School of Education's Appeals page at

Transfer of Credit

Graduate courses taken prior to matriculation are considered Transfer of Credit.

Students may request transfer credit for relevant graduate courses taken at regionally accredited institutions, including courses taken at Hunter College while matriculated in another degree program, whether or not the master’s degree was awarded.

The Transfer of Credit form can be accessed on the School of Education’s Register for Classes page at

The following limitations apply:

  • No more than a total of 12 credits will be allowed for graduate courses completed at other colleges for courses taken on permit or for Hunter College courses taken prior to matriculation.

  • Courses for which transfer and approval of credit are sought must have been completed within five years preceding the anticipated date of graduation.

  • Application for transfer and approval of course credits taken prior to matriculation may be made after registering for the first semester of matriculation.

  • Transfer of credit can only be granted for courses with grades of B or better.

Course Exemptions and Waivers

Exemption or waiver of a course requirement may be granted to a student who has completed an undergraduate course at another college or a graduate course taken over five years ago with the same or similar content as a Hunter College course required for the program. For courses taken at the graduate level within the last five years, see Transfer of Credit Request process.

An exemption reduces the number of credits needed for the program. A waiver requires that students take an approved elective course of at least the same number of credits at Hunter College to replace the waived course.

Only matriculated students may be granted exemptions or waivers. Only select programs offer exemptions and there are limits in place on the number of credits permitted to be exempted. Additionally, not all School of Education departments approve the use of undergraduate courses for use in exemptions and waivers. For more information on the exemption and waiver process, including a list of programs, please see the School of Education's Register for Classes page at

Permit Credit

Graduate courses taken at other colleges or universities after matriculation are considered “Permit” credit. Students planning to take courses “on permit” at other colleges or universities during the period of matriculation must request and receive permission prior to taking the course. Instructions on applying for permit credit may be found on the Hunter College e-Permit and Permit Courses page at

Registration Support & Appeals

For support with general registration issues and troubleshooting, please visit the School of Education's Register for Classes page at

Adding a Course After the Registration Appeal Period Has Ended

Students seeking to resolve registration issues after the registration appeal period has ended may submit the School of Education Dean’s Request form. Please note, a request requires extenuating circumstances. Students are not approved if two or more classes have been missed.

Appealing a Registration Issue

Students seeking to appeal a registration issue after the deadlines for the semester may do so via the Dean’s Request form. All appeals require extenuating circumstances. The review adheres to the colleges published deadlines for add/drop and refunds. Students are only permitted one request during the time in their program. The School of Education Dean's Request form can be accessed on the School of Education's Appeals page at

Grade Appeals

The School of Education adheres to the Hunter College Grade Appeals Procedures. The School of Education Grade Appeal form can be accessed on the School of Education's Appeals page at

Incomplete Grades

A grade of incomplete (INC) will be given only to students who are doing passing work who need to complete a paper, exam, or other project.  When an incomplete is given, the School of Education contract form must be, signed by the instructor and the student, a copy given to the student, and the original filed in the department office.

For field-based courses, including student teaching and practicum, incomplete grades can be given only for papers, projects, or exams not completed.  If the field experience itself will not be complete by the end of the semester, the student will be given the appropriate grade and asked to register to repeat the course.

Incomplete grades will not be given to students who need to repeat a course or to students who are failing a course.  Students with personal or family situations that result in their not being able to complete a course and/or submit course assignments should withdraw from the class.  If it is past the deadline for withdrawals, the withdrawal requires documentation of the reason and the submission of the Dean’s Request form. The School of Education Incomplete Contract can be accessed on the School of Education's Appeals page at

Program Withdrawal

Students wishing to withdraw from their program must contact their School of Education faculty advisor, drop all courses in CUNYfirst if currently enrolled and complete the program withdrawal form found the School of Education's Appeals page at

Non-Degree/Non-Matriculated Students

Non-Degree/Non-Matriculated students are permitted to take up to 6 credits in Non-Degree/Non-Matriculated status. Students must apply for matriculation into one of the School of Education's programs if they wish to continue their studies after 6 credits. All non-degree students are eligible to register or waitlist for courses on the approved non-degree course list only. More information on non-degree study can be found on the School of Education's Graduate Non-Degree Study page at