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50 results found

Name Degree Type NYSED Code HEGIS Code CIP Code
Accounting MS - Master of Science Major 29512 - ACCT-MS 0502.00 52.0301
Adolescence Chinese MA - Master of Arts Major 32374 - CHINAE-MA 1199.01 13.1306
Adolescence Education: Biology, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31900 - BIOAE-AC 0401.01 13.1322
Adolescence Education: Chemistry, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31901 - CHEAE-AC 1905.01 13.1323
Adolescence Education: Earth Science, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31902 - ESCAE-AC 1917.01 13.1337
Adolescence Education: English, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31895 - ENGAE-AC 1501.01 13.1305
Adolescence Education: French, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31896 - FREAE-AC 1102.01 13.1325
Adolescence Education: Italian, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31897 - ITAAE-AC 1104.01 13.1306
Adolescence Education: Latin, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 34590 - LATAE-AC 1109.01 13.1333
Adolescence Education: Mathematics, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31905 - MATAE-AC 1701.01 13.1311
Adolescence Education: Physics, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31903 - PHYAE-AC 1902.01 13.1329
Adolescence Education: Social Studies, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31904 - SSTAE-AC 2201.01 13.1318
Adolescence Education: Spanish, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 31898 - SPAAE-AC 1105.01 13.1330
Adolescent Bilingual Special Education MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 42488 - ADBSE-MSED 0802.00 13.1019
Adolescent Special Education, Grades 7-12 ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 37793 - ASE712-AC 0808.00 13.1019
Adolescent Students with Disabilities, Grades 7-12 (Generalist) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 35850 - AG712-MSED 0808.00 13.1019
Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner MS - Master of Science Major 28140 - GAHNP-MS 1203.10 51.3821
Adult TESOL MA - Master of Arts Major 39127 - ADTESOL-MA 1508.00 13.1401
Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Program MS - Master of Science Major 00065 - AHCNS-MS 1203.10 51.3803
Adult/Gerontology Nurse Practitioner DNP - Doctor of Nursing Practice Major 34482 - ADGNNP-DNP 1203.10 51.3803
Advanced Prep in Special Education MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 31868 - SEAPR-MSED 0808.00 13.1011
Alt Cert:SWD Middle Childhood Generalist Grades 5-9/Middle Childhood General Grades 5-9 (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 34699 - SPEDM-MSED 0899.50 13.1018
Alt Crt: Biology, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25584 - BIOAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1322
Alt Crt: Chemistry, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25587 - CHEAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1323
Alt Crt: Childhood and Middle Childhood Education Generalist (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 33017 - CMEAC-MSED 0899.50 13.1206
Alt Crt: Childhood and Middle Childhood Special Education Learning Disabilities (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 31867 - CMSAC-MSED 0899.50 13.1006
Alt Crt: Childhood Education Special Education: Learning Disability and Behavior Disabil (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 25648 - CSEAC-MSED 0899.50 13.1017
Alt Crt: Childhood Education with Bilingual Ext (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 25617 - BILCE-MSED 0899.50 13.1202
Alt Crt: Childhood Education, Grades 1-6 (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 25579 - CEDAC-MSED 0899.50 13.1202
Alt Crt: Earth Science, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25582 - ESCAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1337
Alt Crt: English, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MSED - Master of Science in Education Major 31814 - ENGAC-MSED 0899.50 13.1305
Alt Crt: Mathematics, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25595 - MATAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1311
Alt Crt: Physics, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25590 - PHYAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1329
Alt Crt: Spanish, Grades 7-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25609 - SPAAEAC-MA 0899.50 13.1330
Alt Crt: TESOL, Grades K-12 (TRANS B) MA - Master of Arts Major 31813 - TESOLAC-MA 0899.50 13.1401
Alternate Certificate: Music Teacher All Grades (Transitional B) MA - Master of Arts Major 25576 - MUAGAC-MA 0899.50 13.1312
Alternative Certification: Theatre Education (Trans-B) MA - Master of Arts Major 37576 - THEDAC-MA 0899.50 13.1324
Alternative Certification: Visual Arts Education (Trans-B) MA - Master of Arts Major 37725 - VAEDAC-MA 0899.50 13.1302
Animal Behavior and Conservation MA - Master of Arts Major 34737 - ABC-MA 2001.00 42.2702
Anthropology MA - Master of Arts Major 02491 - ANTHRO-MA 2202.00 45.0201
Applied Behavior Analysis MS - Master of Science Major 38933 - APBEH-MS 2099.00 42.2707
Applied Behavioral Analysis ADVCERPB - Advanced Certificate Post Baccalaureate Major 33306 - APBEH-AC 0818.00 42.2707
Applied Digital Sociology MS - Master of Science Major 02510 - APPDISO-MS 2208.00 45.1101
Art MFA - Master of Fine Arts Major 81072 - FINART-MFA 1002.00 50.0702
Art MA - Master of Arts Major 02384 - ARTCREA-MA 1002.00 50.0702
Art History MA - Master of Arts Major 02386 - ARTHIST-MA 1003.00 50.0703
Bilingual Education Pupil Personnel Services ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 34782 - BEPPS-AC 0899.60 13.0201
Bilingual Education: Intensive Teaching Initiative ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 32224 - BEITI-AC 0899.00 13.0201
Bilingual Extension ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 29595 - BIEXT-AC 0899.00 13.0201
Bilingual Pupil Personnel Services ADVCERPM - Advanced Certificate Post Master's Major 42532 - BPPSRVS-AC 0826.01 13.0201