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Childhood Special Education-Severe and Multiple Disorders


Official Name of Program

Childhood Special Education-Severe and Multiple Disorders

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

MSED - Master of Science in Education



NYSED Program Code

25652 - CSED-MSED

CIP Code


This graduate program prepares students to teach in Childhood Special Education environments, including self-contained and inclusion settings. Graduates from the severe/multiple disabilities program will be able to serve in such roles as specialized teachers of learners with severe disabilities, including deafblindness; inclusion support providers; and as collaborative team teachers with general education teachers in public and private schools, private agencies, hospitals and clinics. This program leads to certification in Students with Disabilities Grades 1-6 and an extension annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities. 

The master’s degree in Childhood Special Education: Severe/Multiple Disabilities offers two programs. Program 1 (Academic Plan: CSED-MSED) is for those who do not hold NYS certification and leads to dual certification in childhood education and students with disabilities grades 1-6. Program 2 (Academic Plan: CSEDD-MSED) is for those who hold NYS certification and leads to single certification in students with disabilities grades 1-6.
