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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


Official Name of Program

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

MA - Master of Arts



NYSED Program Code

24525 - TESOL-MA

CIP Code


The TESOL PreK-12 program (Academic Plan: TESOL-MA) is designed to educate people who wish to teach students for whom English is a second or foreign language in a school setting. The skill of teaching English to speakers of other languages is acquired through studying specialized methods and techniques that differ from those used by teachers of English to native speakers. This preparation is the focus of the programs in TESOL.

In these programs, links to the ESL classroom are emphasized and students are exposed to extensive field experiences and practice. Students should be prepared to spend considerable amounts of time observing and participating in educational settings in addition to attending classes at Hunter. All fieldwork experience must be done in New York City public schools.

TESOL-MA has two tracks (or subplans). Track 1 (Subplan: TESOLLNYSC) is for applicants with no prior NYS certificate. Track 2 (Subplan: TESOLANYSC) is for applicants who have prior NYS certificate.

The TESOL Adult Track (Academic Plan: TESOL-MA | Subplan TESOLADUNC) prepares students to teach adults in college, continuing education, literacy, business, private, and other community, academic and professional programs in the United States or abroad. It does not prepare teachers for New York State certification to teach in the public schools.

Links to the ESL classroom are emphasized and students are exposed to extensive field experiences and practice. Students should be prepared to spend considerable amounts of time observing and participating in educational settings in addition to attending classes at Hunter.
