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Alt Crt: TESOL, Grades K-12 (TRANS B)
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The New York City Teaching Collaborative is an alternative certification program leading to New York State teacher certification. The Teaching Collaborative is offered in partnership with the New York City Department of Education. Participants, or Partner Teachers, spend a full spring semester as an apprentice in a high-need NYC public school before becoming a full-time teacher. During this apprentice semester, Partner Teachers are supervised, mentored, and coached by Collaborative Coaches, who are experienced classroom teachers. Partner Teacher enroll in a master’s program and receive continuous supervision and professional development through Hunter and the Teaching Collaborative program. Tuition costs are subsidized at approximately 50% by the NYCDOE and students are not responsible for any tuition payments until they begin teaching full-time and earning a full-time teacher’s salary. Upon successful completion of the program, students earn a master’s degree and are eligible for New York State initial teacher certification.